Chasing Toms and Closing Deals: A Turkey Hunting Story with Davis Moran from Crouch’s Wrecker & Equipment Sales
AP Towing representative, Galan Carter, recently went on a turkey hunt with Davis Moran from Crouch’s Wrecker & Equipment Sales, LLC. Read about their adventures below!
The trip got off to a rocky start as Davis was attempting to fly out of Nashville. A string of flight delays and setbacks – everything from someone lighting up a cigarette on the plane forcing an emergency landing, to the string of storms that recently ripped through Dallas, TX grounding all flights – caused a 24 hour delay to Davis’s final destination: Central Oregon. As soon as his feet touched dirt, no time was wasted as Galan and Davis made their way to the first stop for the night in Eastern Oregon.

Despite a late night, they were up at 3am, eager to start their hunt. They hit the ground running, covering more than ten hard miles over the next two days on just a few hours of sleep each night.
Friday morning brought an exciting encounter with three mature toms. Galan and Davis watched them strut and gobble at 25 yards, putting on quite a show. Unfortunately, the toms managed to stay just across the fence on private property, eluding their shotguns by mere inches. Eventually, three hens came in and led the toms away.

On Saturday morning, they returned to the same spot with a new plan, hoping to lure the toms across the fence with a string of sweet hen calls and strategically placed decoys. Despite hearing the gobblers nearby, the birds frustratingly remained out of sight and out of reach.

A herd of cow elk even walked right through their setup at one point, adding to the excitement. There’s nothing quite like having a herd of 500lb wild animals casually strolling by!
Later that morning, they managed to convince a group of jakes (young male turkeys) to cross the fence and investigate. One jake walked right into their setup, but as he wasn’t the mature tom they were after, they let him go. The rest of the day was spent searching for a willing tom, but luck was not on their side.
Although Davis didn’t bag a turkey this time, the trip was still a great experience. It means they’ll just have to try again later.
By Monday morning, Galan and Davis were back to business, putting together a deal for a $900k rotator. While some say business gets done on the golf course, Galan can attest that it also gets done in the turkey woods.